#define F_CPU 16000000
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
//#include "General.h"
//#include "TWI_Master.h"
TWI State codes
// General TWI Master staus codes
#define TWI_START 0x08 // START has been transmitted
#define TWI_REP_START 0x10 // Repeated START has been transmitted
#define TWI_ARB_LOST 0x38 // Arbitration lost
// TWI Master Transmitter staus codes
#define TWI_MTX_ADR_ACK 0x18 // SLA+W has been tramsmitted and ACK received
#define TWI_MTX_ADR_NACK 0x20 // SLA+W has been tramsmitted and NACK received
#define TWI_MTX_DATA_ACK 0x28 // Data byte has been tramsmitted and ACK received
#define TWI_MTX_DATA_NACK 0x30 // Data byte has been tramsmitted and NACK received
// TWI Master Receiver staus codes
#define TWI_MRX_ADR_ACK 0x40 // SLA+R has been tramsmitted and ACK received
#define TWI_MRX_ADR_NACK 0x48 // SLA+R has been tramsmitted and NACK received
#define TWI_MRX_DATA_ACK 0x50 // Data byte has been received and ACK tramsmitted
#define TWI_MRX_DATA_NACK 0x58 // Data byte has been received and NACK tramsmitted
// TWI Slave Transmitter staus codes
#define TWI_STX_ADR_ACK 0xA8 // Own SLA+R has been received; ACK has been returned
TWI_STX_ADR_ACK_M_ARB_LOST 0xB0 // Arbitration lost in SLA+R/W as
Master; own SLA+R has been received; ACK has been returned
#define TWI_STX_DATA_ACK 0xB8 // Data byte in TWDR has been transmitted; ACK has been received
#define TWI_STX_DATA_NACK 0xC0 // Data byte in TWDR has been transmitted; NOT ACK has been received
#define TWI_STX_DATA_ACK_LAST_BYTE 0xC8 // Last data byte in TWDR has been transmitted (TWEA = “0”); ACK has been received
// TWI Slave Receiver staus codes
#define TWI_SRX_ADR_ACK 0x60 // Own SLA+W has been received ACK has been returned
TWI_SRX_ADR_ACK_M_ARB_LOST 0x68 // Arbitration lost in SLA+R/W as
Master; own SLA+W has been received; ACK has been returned
#define TWI_SRX_GEN_ACK 0x70 // General call address has been received; ACK has been returned
TWI_SRX_GEN_ACK_M_ARB_LOST 0x78 // Arbitration lost in SLA+R/W as
Master; General call address has been received; ACK has been returned
#define TWI_SRX_ADR_DATA_ACK 0x80 // Previously addressed with own SLA+W; data has been received; ACK has been returned
TWI_SRX_ADR_DATA_NACK 0x88 // Previously addressed with own
SLA+W; data has been received; NOT ACK has been returned
TWI_SRX_GEN_DATA_ACK 0x90 // Previously addressed with general
call; data has been received; ACK has been returned
TWI_SRX_GEN_DATA_NACK 0x98 // Previously addressed with general
call; data has been received; NOT ACK has been returned
TWI_SRX_STOP_RESTART 0xA0 // A STOP condition or repeated START
condition has been received while still addressed as Slave
// TWI Miscellaneous status codes
#define TWI_NO_STATE 0xF8 // No relevant state information available; TWINT = “0”
#define TWI_BUS_ERROR 0x00 // Bus error due to an illegal START or STOP condition
#define TWIM_READ 1
#define TWIM_WRITE 0
Public Function: TWIM_Init
Purpose: Initialise the TWI Master Interface
Input Parameter:
- uint16_t TWI_Bitrate (Hz)
Return Value: uint8_t
- FALSE: Bitrate too high
- TRUE: Bitrate OK
uint8_t TWIM_Init (uint32_t TWI_Bitrate)
** Set TWI bitrate
** If bitrate is too high, then error return
TWBR = ((F_CPU/TWI_Bitrate)-16)/2;
if (TWBR < 11) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Public Function: TWIM_Start
Purpose: Start the TWI Master Interface
Input Parameter:
- uint8_t Device address
- uint8_t Type of required Operation:
TWIM_READ: Read data from the slave
TWIM_WRITE: Write data to the slave
Return Value: uint8_t
- TRUE: OK, TWI Master accessible
- FALSE: Error in starting TWI Master
uint8_t TWIM_Start (uint8_t Address, uint8_t TWIM_Type)//1 = read, 0 = write
uint8_t twst;
** Send START condition
TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWSTA)|(1<<TWEN);
** Wait until transmission completed
while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
** Check value of TWI Status Register. Mask prescaler bits.
twst = TWSR & 0xF8;
if ((twst != TWI_START) && (twst != TWI_REP_START)) return FALSE;
** Send device address
TWDR = (Address<<1) + TWIM_Type;
TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN);
** Wait until transmission completed and ACK/NACK has been received
while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
** Check value of TWI Status Register. Mask prescaler bits.
twst = TWSR & 0xF8;
if ((twst != TWI_MTX_ADR_ACK) && (twst != TWI_MRX_ADR_ACK)) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Public Function: TWIM_Stop
Purpose: Stop the TWI Master
Input Parameter: None
Return Value: None
void TWIM_Stop (void)
** Send stop condition
TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWSTO);
** Wait until stop condition is executed and bus released
while (TWCR & (1<<TWINT));
Public Function: TWIM_Write
Purpose: Write a byte to the slave
Input Parameter:
- uint8_t Byte to be sent
Return Value: uint8_t
- TRUE: OK, Byte sent
- FALSE: Error in byte transmission
uint8_t TWIM_Write (uint8_t byte)
uint8_t twst;
** Send data to the previously addressed device
TWDR = byte;
TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN);
** Wait until transmission completed
while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
** Check value of TWI Status Register. Mask prescaler bits
twst = TWSR & 0xF8;
if (twst != TWI_MTX_DATA_ACK) return 1;
return 0;
Public Function: TWIM_ReadAck
Purpose: Read a byte from the slave and request next byte
Input Parameter: None
Return Value: uint8_t
- uint8_t Read byte
uint8_t TWIM_ReadAck (void)
TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWEA);
while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
return TWDR;
Public Function: TWIM_ReadAck
Purpose: Read the last byte from the slave
Input Parameter: None
Return Value: uint8_t
- uint8_t Read byte
uint8_t TWIM_ReadNack (void)
TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN);
while(!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
return TWDR;
A collection of my projects in the areas of physics, electronics and information science.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Using an ATMega as I2C master
(Deutsche Version) Using an ATMega as I2C master was definitely not easy. In the end, I was using an implementation of Manfred Langemann from which I copied the code right into my *.c file for the AVR Studio. To use an ATMega for I2C, you only have to copy the following lines to the beginning of the program:
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