
Sunday, 27 October 2013

Arduino-Code on the ATmega 1284P

(Deutsche Version) Running Arduino code on an ATmega 1284P is pretty simple. You only have to execute some small steps. At first, you have to download the following archive:
The content has to be extracted to C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\mighty-1284p (respectively the location where you installed the development environment). Afterwards, the development environment has to be restarted. Now, the 1284 can already be selected. I use the Original Mighty 1284p 16MHz. The pin mapping is different, see below (The number in the Parentheses  is relevant for the Arduino):

           (D 0) PB0 1|        |40 PA0 (AI 0 / D24)
           (D 1) PB1 2|        |39 PA1 (AI 1 / D25)
      INT2 (D 2) PB2 3|        |38 PA2 (AI 2 / D26)
       PWM (D 3) PB3 4|        |37 PA3 (AI 3 / D27)
    PWM/SS (D 4) PB4 5|        |36 PA4 (AI 4 / D28)
      MOSI (D 5) PB5 6|        |35 PA5 (AI 5 / D29)
  PWM/MISO (D 6) PB6 7|        |34 PA6 (AI 6 / D30)
   PWM/SCK (D 7) PB7 8|        |33 PA7 (AI 7 / D31)
                 RST 9|        |32 AREF
                VCC 10|        |31 GND
                GND 11|        |30 AVCC
              XTAL2 12|        |29 PC7 (D 23)
              XTAL1 13|        |28 PC6 (D 22)
      RX0 (D 8) PD0 14|        |27 PC5 (D 21) TDI
      TX0 (D 9) PD1 15|        |26 PC4 (D 20) TDO
RX1/INT0 (D 10) PD2 16|        |25 PC3 (D 19) TMS
TX1/INT1 (D 11) PD3 17|        |24 PC2 (D 18) TCK
     PWM (D 12) PD4 18|        |23 PC1 (D 17) SDA
     PWM (D 13) PD5 19|        |22 PC0 (D 16) SCL
     PWM (D 14) PD6 20|        |21 PD7 (D 15) PWM

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Control RGB LED with ATmega16A

(Deutsche Version) RGB LEDs are pretty interesting (e.g. if they are in an LED strip). Today, I want to explain how to control an RGB LED with an ATmega16A. At first a short introduction to the RGB LED: I use this LED from Tayda Electronics. This LED consists of three different LEDs which are all in the same body. Therefore, there are 3 pins for the different LEDs and a common cathode (-). If you apply a PWM signal to these 3 pins, you can control the color of the LED. I use the ATmega16A because the ATmega8 only has 2 PWM channels, this is not enough for 3 pins. This should cover the basics for an RGB LED, here is the code which runs through the whole colour space:

#include <avr/io.h>
#define F_CPU 16000000UL
#include <util/delay.h>

int main(void)
  DDRA = 0xFF;//Output
  DDRD = 0xFF;
  ICR1 = 256;
  TCCR2 = (1<<WGM20) | (1<<COM21) | (1<<CS20); // PWM, phase correct, 8 bit.
  TCCR1A = (1<<WGM10) | (1<<COM1A1) | (1<<COM1B1); // PWM, phase correct, 8 bit.
  TCCR1B = (1<<CS10);// | (1<<CS10); // Prescaler 64 = Enable counter, sets the frequency
  double rCounter = 255;
  double rMax=255;
  double bCounter = 255;
  double bMax = 180;
  double gCounter = 0;
  double gMax = 70;
  int stages = 0;
    switch (stages)
   case 0:
     bCounter --;
     if (bCounter <= 0)
    stages = 1;
      case 1:
     gCounter ++;
     if (gCounter >= 255)
    stages = 2;
   case 2:
     rCounter --;
     if (rCounter <= 0)
    stages = 3;
   case 3:
     bCounter ++;
     if (bCounter >= 255)
    stages = 4;
   case 4:
     gCounter --;
     if (gCounter <= 0)
    stages = 5;
   case 5:
     rCounter ++;
     if (rCounter >= 255)
    stages = 0;
 OCR1B = (int)(bCounter*bMax*bCounter/255/255);
 OCR1A = (int)(gCounter*gMax*gCounter/255/255);
 OCR2 = (int)(rCounter*rMax*rCounter/255/255);



Tuesday, 8 October 2013

C# - List all files in folder and sub folders

(Deutsche Version) Reading all files in a folder is pretty simple (see also C# Tipps and Tricks). If you want to do this recursively, the solution is also simple. The code I therefore use is the following:

var allfiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(

foreach (string file in allfiles) {}

To filter this result, you can add a .Where at the end, the following code will only list audio files:

var allfiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles( 
    s => s.EndsWith(".mp3") || 
    s.EndsWith(".wav") || 

foreach (string file in allfiles) {}

Monday, 7 October 2013

LCD Display with Arduino / ATmega

(Deutsche Version) I bought this LCD module and this I2C controller. In this post, I will explain how to display text on the display. At first, you need the LiquidCrystal_I2C library from here. (I took the newest Version). Now you can directly start in the Arduino development enviroment. At first the includes:

#include <Wire.h>
#include <LCD.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

Next, you have to define several things which are (in the library) not suitable for my LCD module:

#define I2C_ADDR    0x20

#define BACKLIGHT_PIN  3
#define En_pin  2
#define Rw_pin  1
#define Rs_pin  0
#define D4_pin  4
#define D5_pin  5
#define D6_pin  6
#define D7_pin  7

#define  LED_OFF  1
#define  LED_ON  0

Now you have to define the display:

LiquidCrystal_I2C  lcd(I2C_ADDR,En_pin,Rw_pin,Rs_pin,D4_pin,D5_pin,D6_pin,D7_pin);

Next, you can start in the setup()-function. At first, you have to tell the program what kind of display you have (the size, I have a 20 x 4 character display).

  lcd.begin (20,4);

The rest is needed if you want to switch on the backlight with lcd.backlight();. Afterwards, the display is resetted:


Now you can write things onto the display:

  lcd.print("Hello, world!");

To place the cursor at a specified position, you have to do the following:


This should cover all basic functions. To delete everything, simply call lcd.clear(); .

A small hint, this problem took some time for me to solve: If you program an ATmega and then plug it into a pin board, usually nothing works, the ATmega needs a reset after it is plugged into the pin board. This could be caused by the fact that the ATmega already starts running when only some pins are connected to the pin board.