The players' positions are saved on the server in the directory /world/players/<name>.dat and will be refreshed every 45 seconds. This is not very much but ok for a coarse map.
To read the .dat files, I use the library "LibNbt",, because of the files being saved in binary format and not as plain text. After the download, simply extract everything and include the LibNbp projct into the own C# project and add a reference.
The code to read the position is the following:
DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(@"world\players\");
var file = new NbtFile();
//A file in which the positions are saved
StreamWriter outFile = new StreamWriter("positions.dat");
string lines = "";
//run through all players
foreach (var file1 in d.GetFiles("*.dat"))
//load player file
file.LoadFile(d + file1.Name);
NbtCompound root = file.RootTag;
int i = 0;
//run through all tags until the Pos tag is found
foreach (NbtTag tag in root.Tags)
if (tag.Name.Equals("Pos"))
NbtList posList = ((NbtList)root[i]);
//save as string
lines += file1.Name.Substring(0,file1.Name.Length-4)
+ "\t"
+ ((NbtDouble)posList[0]).Value
+ "\t"
+ ((NbtDouble)posList[2]).Value
+ "\r\n";
To show everything on a map, I used the program "AMIDST" for making a screenshot of my world (from -4096, -3072 to 4096, 3072). After that I calculate the players' positions in pixel and paint them on the map with another program which is only used for displaying.
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