The basic principle is similar to my semi-automatic multi-colour printing, instead of having multiple nozzles like the Ultimaker 3, I onle use one nozzle and for every material change, the material gets pulled out and the next material is inserted into the nozzle. Therefore, I attached a Y-splitter behind the extruder to combine multiple bowden tubes. At the end of each bowden tube there is a filament feeder, meaning that for every colour I want to print simultaneously, I have to build up an own feeder. During the retraction of the material, the printer codes the next needed extruder in the movement so an external electronic can distinguish which motor has to be switched on next and then switches to this motor via a relais card. The whole project consists of the following parts:
- Y-splitter for the bowden tubes
- Multiple feeders
- External electronics to swich the extruders
- Scripts in Slic3r
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